
Gartner Peer Insights

The administrator of the www.labyrinth.tech website is "Labyrinth Security Solutons sp. z o.o.", based in Zabrze, 39A Krakowska St., 41-808 Zabrze, registered in the REGISTERED COURT IN GLIWICE, X ECONOMIC DEPARTMENT OF THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF JUSTICE under the KRS number: 0000998180, NIP: 6482812566. E-mail address: [email protected].

2. Definitons:

    2.1. Personal data - informaton about a natural person identfied or identfiable by one or more specific factors that determine physical, physiological, genetc, mental, economic, cultural or social identty, including device IP, locaton data, Internet identfier and informaton collected through cookies and other similar technology.
    2.2. Policy - this Privacy Policy.
    2.3. GDPR - Regulaton (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protecton of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directve 95/46/EC.
    2.4. Service - the Internet service run by the Administrator at www.labyrint.tech
    2.5. User - any natural person visitng the Website

3. The service performs functons of obtaining informaton about users and their behavior in the following wayst

    3.1. By voluntarily entering informaton in the forms;
    3.2. by storing cookies (so-called "cookies") on end devices;
    3.3. By collectng web server logs;
    3.4. the site uses the Google Analytcs service (Google analyzes the use of the site on behalf of the administrator. Cookies are used for this purpose, among other things. The informaton collected by Google in connecton with your use of the site, e.g. referring URL, pages you visit, browser type, language sefngs, operatng system, screen resoluton, etc., is transmiged to a Google server in the USA, where it is stored and analyzed. Their results are made available in anonymous form. More informaton about Google Analytcs can be found in the links below and in Google's Privacy Policy.
    3.4.1. https://www.google.com/analytcs/terms/en.html
    3.4.2. https://support.google.com/analytcs/answer/6004245?hl=en

4. Informaton in forms, the service collects informaton voluntarily provided by the user.

    4.1. The data in the form are not shared with third partes other than with your consent.
        4.1.1. The data provided in the form may consttute a set of potental customers, registered by the Service Administrator in the register kept by Labyrinth Security Solutons sp. z o.o..
        4.1.2. The data provided in the form is processed for the purpose resultng from the functon of the specific form, such as business contact or partner contact

5. The website does not automatcally collect any data, except for the informaton contained in cookies.

    5.1. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device using your browser. They contain certain data (e.g., preferred language or site sefngs) that the browser may resend the next tme you visit the site, depending on how long the cookie has been stored.
    5.2. Cookies are used for:
        5.2.1. adaptaton of the content of the Website's pages to the User's preferences and optmizaton of the use of these pages; cookies enable recogniton of the User's device and appropriate display of the page, tailored to the User's individual needs;
        5.2.2. generatng statstcs to understand how Users use the websites, which allows to improve their structure and content;
    5.3. Web browsing solware (browser) olen allows cookies to be stored on the User's device by default. Users of the Website can change their cookie sefngs at any tme. They can do so by, among other things, blocking the automatc handling of cookies in the browser or turning on notficatons of their storage on the User's device. Detailed informaton on the handling of cookies can be found in the sefngs of your web browser.
    5.4. The Operator of the Website informs that restrictng the use of cookies may affect the operaton of certain functons available on the Website.
    5.5. Cookies placed on the User's device may also be used by advertsers and partners cooperatng with the Website Operator.
    5.6. More informaton about cookies can be found att wszystkoociasteczkach.co.uk or in the 'Help' secton of your web browser menu.

6. Data sharing:

    6.1. Data may be shared with third partes only to the extent permiged by law.
    6.2. Identfiable data of an individual is transferred only with the individual's consent.

    6.3. The Administrator may be obliged to provide informaton collected by the Service to authorized bodies on the basis of lawful requests, to the extent specified in such a request.

7. If users do not want to receive cookies, they can change their browser sefngs. Most browsers allow users to control cookies in their preference sefngs. Users should read the privacy policies of these browsers to understand their cookie policies. Restrictng the ability to set cookies may impair the overall user experience on websites.
8. You have the right to access the content of your data and to request rectficaton, deleton, restricton of processing, the right to data portability and the right to object to data processing, as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority for the protecton of Personal Data.
9. To the extent that your data is processed on the basis of consent, you may withdraw this consent at any tme by contactng the Administrator.
10. The User has the right to object to the processing of data for marketng purposes, if the processing is carried out in connecton with the legitmate interests of the Administrator, as well as - for reasons related to the User's partcular situaton - in other cases where the legal basis for data processing is the legally justfied

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